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The Regenerative Viticulture Foundation

UK, France, Denmark, US



The Regenerative Viticulture Foundation is a global charity dedicated to working with nature to create a sustainable future for vineyards, growers and the planet. Its mission is to inspire the transition towards regenerative viticulture through science, communication and support for growers.

How we support farmers

Regenerative Viticulture Foundations provides information to farmers looking to move away from the environmentally damaging monocultures of conventional viticulture with its reliance on tillage and synthetic agrochemicals. 

Launched in 2024, our Regenerative Viticulture Guide walks growers through 16 topics that are useful for farming vines regeneratively with resources and links for further information and the opportunity to be included on our map of vineyards. This map enables growers to find and visit neighbors who are using specific practices enabling peer-to-peer-support. 

The "toolkit" on our website also includes a comparison of the different regenerative certification schemes available to grape growers, including information for example on whether organic certification is required.

We are doing pilots of the RVF 'One Block Challenge' in different parts of the world. The idea is to give growers the confidence to start trialling one or two regen practices on a small parcel of their vineyard. This will support growers by also building a community of like minded neighbours coming together to learn from each other and share their experiences.

January 2025 saw the publication of our peer-reviewed study of all the scientific evidence behind regenerative viticulture, identifying where there is strong evidence and where more studies are needed.  We are sharing this information to growers in an accessible format, whilst also identifying research gaps.

We are just starting a program looking into the economic case behind regen viticulture, including comparisons of costs, yields and wine quality. 

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